Support a Child – Thailand

By sponsoring a child you directly contribute to supporting their dreams. More sponsors = more dreams. Simple!

In Thailand your monthly sponsorship helps support the children’s educational needs. Many are orphaned to AIDS having lost one or both parents. Some children are HIV positive while others have contracted AIDS. Your sponsorship helps provide schoolbooks and stationery, school uniforms and transport to and from school. From only $10 per month, you can support a child to study, believe and achieve.

Contact us and we will work with you directly to set up your sponsorship. Until we are fully set up we don’t have all their beautiful smiling faces here on our website, so we will work directly with you to help you find a child that needs your support. In the future this process will be automated. And besides, it will be nice to meet you and say a very big Thank You!

When you become a child sponsor please help us spread the word. If every sponsor told just one person who also sponsored a child, we would instantly double our impact!  Imagine the difference that would make! Bring a friend, double your impact!

Since 2005, the Udon Thani Lions Club has been supporting children through a project called the Education Fund for Orphans.  Udon Thani is a large city in the north of Thailand and the orphans in their program currently come from two districts – Kutchap and Nong Wua So.  It was this program that Tamara learned about when she visited Thailand in 2007.

In 2008 Future Hope decided that the best way they could support these children was to create their Sponsorship Program.

Many of the children are HIV positive, some already have AIDS, whilst some aren’t affected at all. Most of the children are orphaned, having lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. They may be living with a surviving family member who is often a poor and elderly grandparent.  

The children also run the risk of being victimised or ostracised by people in the community and even teachers who are not fully aware and informed about HIV/AIDS. These innocent children desperately need our help with their school education as they fall outside existing government rules and regulations around support to orphans in need.

Any funds raised by Future Hope for this program are put towards the children’s educational needs including schoolbooks and stationery, school uniforms, and travel to and from school. The more people in our sponsorship family means the more children we can help.

The Provincial Health Department in Udon Thani is helping the Lions Club to locate even more orphans who have lost their parents due to HIV/AIDS. As Future Hope believes every child matters, the urgent need is to financially support the education of every orphan that comes into the program. This is an ongoing process and continued help will be required to see these children through their school years. 

In the years since Future Hope started supporting this project, personally visiting the children and building relationships, we have seen an increase in their desire to do well for their ‘Aussie sponsors.’ The encouragement that our support and our annual trips to Thailand provide, has lifted their spirits and encouraged them to work harder.

If Thailand speaks to your heart, a commitment to sponsorship provides a brighter future for one (or more) of these beautiful children. Will you join our sponsorship family today? Contact us today.

“Lions Club of Udon Thani has a charity project to provide scholarships to orphans whose parents’ death being affected by HIV AIDS. This Education Scholarship Program started since 2002 until now. Lions Club of Udon Thani and Australian Future Hope have been jointly organising this scholarship activity and efficiently. This cooperation has been a long and continuous campaign to raise funds in Thailand.  
These Education scholarship programs are donated to the orphans successfully every year. These donations light up the orphans’ dreams and hopes. In all, these orphans had felt being very loved and encouraged to live and grow strong, keeping their hopes in mind to fight for their future. To study hard to graduate and to be able to pursue a career is what they have dreamed of.

Thank you very much to Future Hope from Australia who have been very kindly supporting our charity activities.” – Lion Itthibhol Sajjaphaibul, Past President/Current Member Lions Club of Udon Thani

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