
Duncan Armstrong OAM 

Olympic Gold Medalist    |    Group Coach – Performance and Accountability 

Ways of Working Centre of Excellence 

“I’m an Ambassador for this great cause because of the passion and determination of Tamara, Mike and the rest of the crew who bring hope to everyone they impact.   

“Future Hope is all about rolling the sleeves up to raise awareness and funds which provide hope to families and children in crisis.  Tamara and her team are being called to make a difference that many of us can’t make, to people right across the world who find themselves in unsafe and perilous situations. 

“Tamara has the heart of a lion for kids in need and provides much needed support and hope through a series of fundraising events that bring immediate impact.  We all want to be there to help families and children in need and I’m grateful Tamara and Future Hope has such a well-run and embedded program that I can support that goes into these crisis areas to help.   

“I’m proud to be an Ambassador and do what I can to support Tamara and her team at Future Hope.” – Duncan Armstrong

Duncan Armstrong, Michael Walker, Michael Weir, Mike Walker – Golf Day 2019

The Future Hope family is grateful for Duncan’s generous and committed support. Every time we ask, Duncan says “Yes”. He continues to be a true winner in our eyes and a tremendous ambassador for the children.

Anna Farquhar 

Musician    |    Music Teacher    |    Mentor 

“A motto I live by is ‘Don’t focus on what you can’t do, just focus on what you can’. Tamara, Mike, and their team at Future Hope emulate that, so when I was asked to be a part of this team I accepted with no hesitation!  

“The Future hope team inspire me. They give all of themselves to raising money and awareness for disadvantaged children, not only here in Australia but extending out to Uganda and Thailand. 

“I am a music tutor in a country town and passionate about providing my students with the same opportunities as their city counterparts. Every child deserves to have the same opportunities no matter where they live. That is why Future Hope’s motto ‘Every Child Matters’ really resonates with me.  

“I have always had a strong pull towards helping people, I am so excited that I can do that with an amazing team. I am honoured and proud to be Ambassador for Future Hope and I will do my best for this amazing team and help them in any way I can.”  – Anna Farquhar

Anna Farquhar – Multicultural Festival 2019

Thank you Anna for giving your beautiful gifts so freely. The Future Hope family is blessed to have you on board as our Ambassador. You have the biggest heart for the work we do and the children we support. 

Make a difference to children in need
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